Friday, September 11, 2009

why must these things happened on me?

Many things that made me unhappy today. First, my English paper 1 didn't get all correct. Second, I can't same bus with my teacher and other classmates so made me don't feel like going. When teacher told us that we're shocked and look so unhappy. I can't believe that, things that so bad will happened on me. I'm feel like crying, dying... I'm really in a bad mood, totally bad mood. why must God did that to me? why? can anyone give me a reason? I can believe that no one, right? These things make me no mood to go shopping later!! Can't believe it, right? I don't know why every time when I take back my exam paper I know how to do or even know the answer. I really don't know why when I'm taking the exam I don't know the answer or even answer the wrong answer. Is it because of I'm too nervous? And my teacher told us that she won't go graduation trip with us. Why? teacher, you made us so disappointed!! It's too many bad things happened on me this year until I wanna give up myself. Listening songs surely can help me when I happen these kind of cases. Sometimes blogging can help people too~! However, I prefer listening songs better than blogging sometimes (:
Sigh.. need to start my assignment.D': It's bored to do that.
I guess you all know who am I hor?

Elaine here. ~~

Friday, August 21, 2009


I post today is got a reason de..

首先,我和yvonne到食堂买walls drumstick 回班吃!
在班只见Meng Ee、Kah Fai、Yong Jin……
一会儿,我忘了Yong Jin 还是Mun Keat用汽水喷我! 应该是Mun Keat 因为我记得我那我的汽水来喷他!
继续.... 倒霉的家辉竟然在我的面前出现!他拿起藤条往我这儿丢!幸好没丢中我!然后就轮到我拿起藤条往他那儿丢结果第一次没中!哈哈,第二次还不中!
他竟然拿那个汽水来喷我的眼睛!我的眼睛很痛,所以Yong Jin说快点去洗眼睛啦!
do you want to noe wut I said to him? I said kneel to me!
Oh, my god! He really kneeled to me! Then, Mun keat said 不要这样过分啦!

放学......... 孤单每人陪!

Written by:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New look..

Heyz!! I've a new look!! I'll post my photo at friendster or facebook..
just check it out there..
I quite like it!! make me look cute.. hehe..maybe..
erm.. long time nvr update..
yesterday I got study orh..
but dunno Shireen got a not leh..
I think no.. hehe

If u're same sku with me, u can see how I look tmr.. hehe
gtg, sayonara..

Elaine, huiyee..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Explain myself...

To: Elaine
Sorry Elaine, I know I didn't post our blog but I got see our blog...
I didn't post our blog coz I'm NOT FREE
Very sorry Elaine

To: Chris Tan Thien Sing and Kong Yong Jin
Chris n Yong Jin I know u two everytimes oso say why u didn't post blog eveytimes oso Elaine Yaw post de... Now, I want explain same thing to you I'm not FREE...

TO: All my friends
Very sorry to my friends i didn't post the blog long time... because I 'm not FREE but i got see the blog. I'm not FREE COZ UPSR IS COMING and I want to explain something to all my friends I DIDN'T HAVE COUPLE WITH KIAN MUN, WEI HONG, LI CHEI or anybody...


Saturday, July 25, 2009


Oh My God!!
This is like my own blog not Shireen and my blog..
She said after UPSR only she post wor.. Kesian me..

Just now Shen asked me abt fashion advice..
Something to ask u all.. Am I really good in fashion?
Why so many ppl ask me abt fashion?




蕙仪~ 伊莱恩*


This morning, everyone went to sku so early.
Dunno why..
When I reached my class, I immediately take out my homework dat haven't done.
After finished it, I helped my leader to collect books.
Wanna noe why I put lol as my title?
Erm, okie let's straight to the point.
It's because of my class teacher wanted to explain a word so she need a couple to be a example.
The entire class said 慧欣,慧欣.... 立哲,立哲....
Then, teacher also said Shireen and Li Chei aka perasan chew li cheng!
老师:慧欣已经有了丈夫。有一天, 立哲去勾引她,但是慧欣就说我是不会让你勾引到我的!你死心吧!
After that, Shen and I looked at Kian Mun. We saw him very unhappy. If u're in 6Y, u'll noe why.
well, nvm, let me tell u.. It is because Kian Mun jealous but he won't envy cuz dat is his best friend ma.. Kian Mun lovesShireen so much..
I guess Shireen loves Kian Mun too cuz when she had gone the pen dat Kian Mun gave her, she was so worried! At last, she had found it. It was Tien Cherg took it and played Shireen.
Too bad for Li Chei and Wei Hong. Aiyah.. No need to say Li Chei 100% out one la!! Wei Hong, I noe Shireen still likes him one..
Btw, I hope she choose the right one.
Grr.. I hate sitting with the moron! Guess who izit..
sigh.. Kesian me mann.. but no one..
U guys noe wut? That day when changed place, I cried because I dun wan to sit with a dense boy..
haihz.. I'm hopeless.. I'm sobbing right now..

Actually I almost cry every week because.............. only some of my friends noe why.. right pals?
Jia Wei and I brought ......... to sku today.. secret.. If I type it out.. I'll gonna die!!
And Jiawei's daddy fetched us back.. Her dad came late so we went to canteen and bought some drinks.. When I'm at canteen, I saw Xing Yu. When I'm in canteen, I saw Aaron, Tien Cherg, Henry and some others more..
After that, Jiawei and I went to second floor and we did something bad/good? dunno.. lol..
After that, we went out of school and we saw Khai Zhien and Fu Sheng. They're like couple walked across the road then they played they.. Actually Jiawei and I wanted to followed them but Fu Sheng saw me ed so..... too bad.. haha..
So we two keep looking at them.. When we're on the way back home they're still there.. lol

I post too much today, I have to go now..
I need to rush out.. lol..

Obvoiusly I'm Elaine, huiyee.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Shireen was sick today!!
This morning I didn't play bcuz got duty to do =(..
I forgotten today had English story writing competition.
This time I wrote very short oni 1 page.. haha.. lazy to think ma..
After the competition, our class teacher gave us a test.
I used 30 mins to finished it..
Recess... Duty... Actually I wasn't doing duty just fooling around, talking...
When teacher came oni act like doing.. haha..
Recess over.. Art period but we didn't do any art today. We discussed workbook..
After all the discussion, teacher talk abt our results..
She said our results damn bad this time.. Almost everyone drop down! I know dat will include me.. chit chat... with teacher de oo..
After that, teacher need to go meeting so a teacher came and take part of her period..
The teacher said we can tok but tok softly..
After the teacher went off we very noisy until the 6K's teacher came and scold Alicia but not us.. LOL.. bcuz she's a class monitor ma..
but after the teacher back her class, we make noise again!!
Alicia and I went to fill up our water and went to toilet..
bcuz we're thirsty that time..
After sku, I saw a girl and a boy played at the park near our sku!!
I asked my friend do u envy if u see dat?
she said of course yes!!
She asked me why u dun look envy?
I said never mind la, envy oso no use la..
谁了解我啊?shireen? 其他好友? 家人?难道是以前的...吗?
btw, 我还是有点..他。
beside that 我心中还有另一个人噢!
哈哈.. 一定每人猜得出因为当你猜他是我都会说不!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hooray!! The trial had over!!
This morning I reached sku around 6:55a.m. Actually I decided to study there but friends played there so I joined them. ^^ After that, Jw came to my class and called me out for a walk so I just followed her out. When the time go 7 sharp, Jw said she gtg back her class for the morning class so I went back to my class and continue playing.. haha.. playful girl..
Start science exam...... End...
Recess time, almost entire class bought chicken rice.. haha..
After recess, Lilian bought 2 breads and she was playing by the corridor. I caught 1 but the other dropped down to the ground floor. lol. Then, a std 5 boy helped us to take but lilian and wei ee dunno she they went down. When they're at the ground floor, the boy was at the 3rd floor so I went to take it and I threw it to 2nd floor.. haha.. Evil.. okay... I knew dat..
After that, I called wai lok to take it up but he stepped it den oni take it up but then lilian said throw it away..
Ohya.. forget to say..
Something funny happened during the science exam!!
It was LEE KAM CHUAN vv in class!!! lol..
we're all laughing like hell!!
even himself!!
Oh my god!! how old is he?! std6.. 12 years old man..
how can a std6 boy do dat?!
Can't believe it..
After all these exams, my class teacher asked us 松一口气了,是吗?
we wanna said yes but scared teacher said UPSR leh.. so we said 不是,还有UPSR. haha
Then, she said 只有3本功课!Yay!!
she said she can't dicuss the exam paper with us cuz got 2 person haven't take the exams yet den we said u can tell us our marks one ma.
she said 成绩都这么差!还要知道分数!something like dat la.. i forget ed.. hehe..
Then, she went off ed but I dunno where she go..
ketiadaan guru... Whoa..The entire class so damn noisy like market!!
End of the story(sku)...


yaw yaw~~

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sorry readers and viewers, we'll not blogging until we had finish our UPSR but we'll post sometimes if we're free, probably we won't.

Thank you.

Elaine and Shireen.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I'll tell u why my title is sorry but later..
Today we went to sku. I'm so happy to see dat wu lao shi taught us today!! Finally!! Erm.. this morning teacher let us to do our homework and I was so worry abt wu lao shi dun wan to teacher us. After BM period, wu lao shi called us to sit in front den I knew dat she wanted to teach us. IS TIME TO BREAK!!! Wow!! After break my friends and I went back to class...... After wu lao shi's period is mdm chong's English period and mdm chong called us to go cal room. When we're lining up to cal room, Shen-Li and I were playing. When we're on the wayto the cal room we're still playing but suddenly she slapped me and not on my face was on my eye!! dat time I'm so damn furious. I dun bother her and just ran to Yvonne and I keep covered my eye, it was pain!! When we're in cal room tears almost drop but I "tahan" dun let the tears drop down. Yvonne said Aiyoyo.. Today is Elaine cry yesterday was Alicia cried. But at last I didn't cry..
Anyway, sorry shen I oso got slapped u before u poked my eye.. Aiyah, forget abt it la.. now u know why my title is sorry la.. rite? The end.

Thanks for viewing and reading, viewers and readers=)


Teacher changed our place ed...

Today morning, Micheal Jackson died ed... so sad!! Okok let focus at something in sku...
Today, ' wu lao shi ' teacher us ed dat's a good news for 6Y. rite? During Cikgu Sharudin's period, he got things to do so he called us to do our hw. After recess 'wu lao shi' changed our place dat's a good news for me coz i dont wanna sit wif wai lok n ethan james kok ee. Elaine sat wif meng jun n the other side is li chei but is after a smile road... behide of her is thien sing n shen li. Got a good news n a bad news for me. Good news is beside me is Sim Wei Ee, bad news is the other side of me is tong sampah!! Oh my god, rite? Last 2 period is mdm chong's period, we went to cal room 5 to have a lesson.. Mdm Chong said if we today nvr make noise then every friday can go to cal room 5 damn good rite?
Thank for viewing...
by: ~Shirreen~hs~

Thursday, June 25, 2009


haihz.. come back English first. hehe.. This morning the prefects have to take photo at somewhere near canteen. Oh My God! It was a lot of prefects there! After arranging our place, we noticed dat "lee fu" is not there yet! A lot of people said how long should we wait? okay.. We wait for few minutes. Hurray! Finally she came! After taking photo, the prefects went back to class but the librarian haven't. Wei Ee and I went back to class first then when we're in class, we saw that Yi Lean was writing 生字 for us. So, I asked Thien Sing: Eh, teacher still nvr talk to u all ah? Then he said yeah! I'm look so sad and felt so hurt! After copied the words on the blackboard we start doing it. After 2 periods teacher asked us:你们等着我解释生字,是吗?We said yeah... Teacher said:但是我等着一个人跟我道歉。Then, Man Cheng went to teacher and said sorry to her and she said say sorry to ur classmates too.. She said ed but teacher said :我不知道是她自己真心要道歉还是你们必她道歉!我希望她是真心的。After dat, wu lao shi called us to sit in front then she said something in her bottom of her heart. Hmm.. After recess she got teached us but not dat serious and she looked so sad and "koo". She looked so scary like gonna scold ppl but she won't.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sorry " wu lao shi"

This morning my class teacher "wu lao shi", she dun want to care abt us. She just gave us homework and said do ur homework if u dun want to do also can, u can do anything u like! I felt so sad when teacher said dat but Man Cheng very happy only her! Everyone are very sad. Wu lao shi marked some book when she heard her hp rang, she answered then she go to write her report ed and dun wan to mark our exercise book anymore. After few minutes, she went out and very long oso haven't came back so Li Lian went to staff room and look for her and Li Lian saw wu lao shi was talking with some teachers. Then, she quickily ran back and told us all abt that. Some of it wrote notes to teacher, some of it played and some of it make noise but I'm the one who think wut to write. hehe.. After 2 period, wu lao shi came back into class and do her thing! She nvr teach us even mark our books. I know dat in her heart is very sad. When music lessons we went to music room. Teacher asked us where were others went? Why haven't came yet? Then, we said they're in class cuz they wrote something for our class teacher. Then, teacher asked why. We said the reason and we nvr said dat girl was Man Cheng but everyone were looking at her dat time. When recess time I nvr go to do my duty because I need to discuss wut to do and let teacher be happy. Li Lian called her mom and bought some chocolates for teacher and her mom explain and called us dun do dat to teacher anymore and others.. I think only I'm the one who listened. hehe.. Li Lian's mom said she wan to wrap the chocolates. Some of the girls nvr went to computer period because we want to wait for Li Lian's mom. The girl are me, Wei Ee, Alicia, Yvonne, Li Lian, Yee hua, Hui Ting, Vivi and Yi Lean. We wrote some msg for teacher in chinese la of course. Then, Li Lian and Wei Ee went to the staff room and find teacher. They found but teacher dun bother them. But at last she came and she noticed dat we're under the tables so she called us out. She said she dun want all these present and others.. She said until want to cry, and we heard until wan to cry too. Then, when Ethan was here teacher stop but we're still sitting in front. When everyone were in teacher start saying again. Man Cheng still dunno she's wrong! She's too "STUBORN"!!! she's as stuborn as a rock! Isn't really to say sorry to teacher? huh? After dat, teacher called us to write a letter to her. The letter is abt wut is ur feelings. I wrote 1 whole page of exam pad! Wut we asked her she ans I dunno, dun ask me.. dat's all.. sigh.. She's hurt.. and it was because of us! She knew dat we called her "wuya" so from now onwards I won't call her "wuya" I'm serious!
Man Cheng, if u dun wan to learn pls dun study in 6Y!!!! okay?
Teacher we really hope dat u can be happy always too.. pls teach us!!

Thanks for reading, readers.
If u know this case pls help us 6Y pupils!!

Elaine will always with u!!
writen by huiyee_elaine^^

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It's my turn to post. Erm.. today my class teacher was vry cross because of something happened yesterday. Did Shireen told cha? I think she'll wan la so I tok abt others but it's abt the same topic. Just when "wuya" was teaching moral, I dunno why suddenly she talked abt something yesterday. Wut she said I had forgotten.. hehe sorry.. I noe dat I'm forgetful. Erm.. Things dat I knew was "wuya" and Man Cheng also cried actually "wuya" nvr cry out she's like wanted to cry.
Just now I got tuition with Shen and Vivi. Our tuition teacher is Cikgu Sharudin. He's also my sku Malay teacher. U know wut? He belanja us drink soft drinks. I drank 7up Revise, Shen drank Excel and Vivi drank 100 plus. Actually I felt dat wut he bought the flavours were almost the same. Then, when cikgu din said take a break, u know wut I did? I went to record his voice with hp. Lol.. until class dismiss he still dunno and we not willing to tell him haha.. After dat, Vivi and I wait for our transport. So we brought our headset to Shen's house too so we listen to the songs and went out her house and go for a short walk. After 1 round of her house my transport came and I went back. U know wut my lunch was? Answer: Junk food!! Lol.. Yeah.. I noe dat's not healthy for us but no choice i oni can eat dat so eat lo.. haha.. Actually the reason of why I wan to record wut cikgu din said are, 1st Cikgu din said Sim po( Wei Ee) became Sim bo!! Omg!! When we heard dat I laughed till stomach pain.. lol.. 2nd, next time whn I want to revise I can hear. At last I sent to Vivi and deleted it cuz it memory is 2. something MB. Erm.. I gtg do my homework!! I'll post the pics at my friendster. If wanna noe my friendster URL just ask from me at the chat box..
bye bye~
Thanks for viewing and reading.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today is Parent's Day. I take report card by myself, i told u all yesterday ed rite? Before recess is ' wu ya' n my music teacher lesson only, then after recess was take report card. Elaine n Alicia went to yvoone's house to play so they followed yvonne to her house and her mother came to fetch them. Wei ee n Shen Li around 11:30p.m. only go back but Wei ee go home back home n take a shower then go to yvoone house. My classmates all went back ed, so i went to 6C class to find hui ann( my friend) we went to 书展 and looked for some book to buy but we didn't buy any book there coz we just played there only, then we went to canteen and buy some drinks. Around 12:30PM 'wuya' went back ed so De Wai n i took our bags n went to our transporter's car to put our bags.After dat i went in sku again to find cuz she took my report card n went to give my enemy aka Wei Hong. After awhilei took back and we played at basketball court. We started went home around 1PM..Erm.. Elaine'll post some pics that she tookin Yvonne's house but now today or tmr cuz now a days we got quite many homeworks oh ya.. just now got something happened it was Man Cheng's dad scolded "wuya" den she vry angry. I think tmr my class are going to die cuz she'll be vry fiere!!
k la bye..
thanks for viewing.

By: Shireen~hs~

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy father day..

Hi, all readers yesterday i didn't blogging coz i went to cut my hair, 打耳洞 n celebrate father's day. Cut my hair until so ugly. Later at night my family n i go to celebration father day.
This morning, My family n I went to Ijok see to abt....coz Ijok is my mother working place. Until 1:00p.m. only went back home but my cousins all went to my home play... At night my family n my siblings go to eat seafood at P.J. Tomorrow take report card Elaine, wei ee n alicia go to Yvonne's house. Wow so fun. But my mom n dad didn take for me. I take report card myself. Sadness.. gtg bye..
Thx for viewing Elaine n Shireen blog...
I know got many english broke at this blog coz no time ed for me... Sorry readers...
By: ~ Shireen ~ hs ~

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Nothing special happened in sku today so dunno wut to post. This morning our class teacher aka wuya quite bad mood cuz she keep scolding some ppl without me k? Wuya beat Shireen around 4 times cuz her spelling got 40% only! too bad for her but i got 100%! Yay! lol...
U know wut? Shireen changed her look just now! She went to cut her hair this afternoon! Her hair will like mine but shorter than mine and a bit different la. haha.. I'm gonna change my hair style in this year maybe on December cuz long time nvr change my hair style! I'm so excited to see Shireen's hair. She said maybe she'll online and turn on her webcam and let me see how's her look. I hope it's beautiful cuz scared later her boyfriend dun like her anymore! lols.. okok.. I noe dat we're too young to have a boyfriend.
Yay!! Tmr's Father's Day! My siblings and I decided eat steamboat at Bandar Sunway! Isn't it great? hehe.. Sigh.. too bad I nvr buy anything for my daddy this year. Sorry daddy. I wander where Shireen go tmr.
Today, I stay at home!! So lonely and boring! Online but no one change with me! wut u all mean? I noe today I post are all broken english, rite? cuz I just type nvr think izit correct.. hehe.. My english.... suck! haha.. Am i jerk? hehe.. Please gimme a ans. Thank you. Am I mad? Dunno. Am I stup? Dunno. My mind is nothing, is blank!! is totally blank!! how? Who can rescue/help me? huh? In my mind just only songs dat I like.... lols.. sweat.. yeah, I noe. Am I suck? lol.. Dun tok abt dat ed la..
erm.. it's time to go. Bye~
thanks for reading, readers.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bad day..

Today, I'm totally unlucky! First reason is this morning I didn't do my duty then my leader saw me! Second, I saw the person I hate many times only hate but haven't until be enemy. Third is got scold from Mdm Chong(english teacher). This morning I nvr do my duty so me, Wei Ee and Mei Yee went to the school pond and chat there. When the bell rang we went back to our class. Wuya quite good today, I have nothing to say abt her today. Come to English period the last two period, Li Lian called me to help her to wrote down the ppl who make noise so I helped her and wrote some of it on the blackboard. After few mins mdm Chong came and saw me she scolded me, Ethan, Alicia, Li Lian, Thien Sing, Kian Mun, Siew Xing, Yi Jing, Kah Fai and Man Cheng. Some of it were went out within teacher's permission. Sigh... damn bad luck! At last, Li Lian said Fuck!! er... sorry readers I wrote the badword out. Why two teachers oso said me like dat? They said Lately I talk a lot! huh? I tot iI last time oso talk a lot.. hehe.. sigh.. I dunno la maybe it's real. Actually I still got one bad thing is was when english period mdm Chong wanted me to help ts and Siew Xing write something like report.

To: Someone(secret)
Eh, wut reason is that? These are only the excuses!! I wan the real reason! I know dat u just lie to them. Anyway, I hope u say reason urself to me! Sorry pals, I lied to u! I dunno whether I hate a not! I know dat when I said I hate .... u very happy. I know u're a caring friend who take care of me a lot.. Thanks for caring me:)

Thanks for viewing, readers.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Teacher told us the results..

Hi, I didn't post this few days coz my moden got some problem sorry. Er.. I guess Elaine told cha rite?
Today, when having science lesson, thien sing asked me something ( if u want to know, u can ask me any time(: ). After recess, all the year 6 girls have to go to the hall coz had a speech was abt.... hehe.. It's a bad news n a good news. Bad news is in the hall very boring n hot. Good news is no need listen 'wu ya' aka my class teacher '讲废话' lol... After the speech, we went back to class. When we in class, Elaine, me, Alicia n Wei Ee were doing homework dat Cikgu Sharudin gave us. But the boys very noisy so Li Lian wrote down their names actually some of the girls oso got. When Cikgu Sharudin came into our class, Li Lian gave Cikgu Sharudin the paper dat got the names. The ppls had to get beat were Li Chei, Wai Lok, De Wai, Yong Jin, Vi Vien, Thien Cherng.... so kesian them. After Cikgu Sharudin period is 'wu ya's lesson but it wasn't bored in this lesson coz teacher told us our overall! If wanna noe wut we got for our overall just ask us.
Thanks for viewing Elaine n Shireen's blog.... If got any problem pls tell me....

By: ~Shireen~ hs ~

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

English story telling competition..

Today I arrived in sku was 7 sumthing! wow! When I'm in class, first thing I did was tok to my friend. Lol.. Then, passed up book after dat was wiped my table! haha.. After doing all these things I went to canteen with friends and chat there. Around 7:20 AM we went back to our classroom. Actually we went back to play den when the bell ring, we queued up noisily to KH's class! lols.. Our monitors dun care how noisy we're! They make noise too! haha.. After KH was English, Mdm Chong. She nvr teach on dat period she just used the time to listen to the participants. After dat is my class teacher's period, Chinese! We just discussed our workbooks. Then, the bell rang, is time to break but everyone dun feel like going to eat cuz everyone were so excited to noe abt they got how much in class and overalls! Teacher said after recess but some of the girls keep asking teacher at last teacher threw the paper on the floor purposely. They picked up and see. After dat, some of it came to canteen to tell others wut they got! When I knew it I felt so happy. Wanna noe wut I got ah? secret nvr tell u... haha... wanna noe Shireen's? hehe.. nvr tell cuz I'm afraid dat she will scold me.. So after recess teacher told us abt it. After a period later teacher brought us to the hall to listen to the english story telling... Shen Li be the MC and she got speech before the competition starts so she said who's the jugdes, when she said until the 3rd judges she said the wrong name! Actually is Mr Tee Chin Ho but she said Mdm Tee. Then everyone laughed!!! OMG!! the teacher will be vry angry with her! When Li Lian was on the stage no one clapped hands but Yvonne on stage around everyone clapped hands.. lol.. The time we went back class was 11 sumthing few mins to 12.. After sku I straight away went to tuition, actually I loves this tuition cuz it is fun all the time! But this tuition will be end on September! Maybe it is good for others but not for me.. Arh!! Try exams are coming!!! UPSR are on the corner!
Erm.. bye.. gtg now..
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Monday, June 15, 2009


This morning I went to sku around 6 sumthing. When I'm in class i saw Yi Lean and vivi aka Vi Vien's bag. I asked Yi Lean where's vivi she said she went to find her maths workbook but i dunno whether she found at last a not. After passing up the homeworks I chat with Yi Lean. A short while later, Siew Xing came and vivi came back too. So we chat...... Then later the boys came actually dat time im waiting for Shireen to come cuz I want back my books she took my books dat day. When she comes and I took my books then I went to do my duty cuz I'm a prefect. hehe. A few minutes later, Wei Ee and Alicia came and find to chat but suddenly I saw my class I mean the class dat I take care of, the pupils came down so I went to ask the assistant monitor why so come down so early she said fatty wong aka miss wong called them to go down! Oh my gosh! Dat's not the right time to go down so I followed them to hall. When I reached there my leader asked me why u took ur pupils come down so early? Then I just said the reason why. Actually I dun like assembly if I sit at the back now but last time I sit where I oso feel happy. The reason is..........secret... haha... some of u will noe why.. Okay let me say something after assembly. Oh I noe wut to say ed.. OMG!! today wuya(my class teacher) wore so damn unmatch actually the colour can match but the fashion of the shirt and skirt are so...... haihz... When music lessons, a lot of pupils nvr bring flute so they have to lend from teacher if not record. No one choose record all chose lend but at last teacher realized dat Danny nvr bring but he din record or something so teacher said u have to record! Recess time!!! haihz... got to do duty.. actually got something happened but dat's secret sorry.. the person who only noe is Wei Ee! My class really had a party again when the science teacher was teaching.. haha.. Shireen was quite a scary cat.. hehe.. Then, when extra class, teacher call us to sit back our place but some nvr, included me!! wow! Luckily, teacher never notice dat! In my mouth, I'm bitting bubber gum! haha.. I'm a not a resposible and discipline prefect.. I noe dat.. Erm... tmr is English talking story competition, too bad i didn't take part.. hehe.. I think dat's all for today.. :)
Thanks for reading, viewers. Erm.. if there are some wrong grammars dat u noe pls inform me! :) I noe there will be a lot of grammar mistakes cuz I type ed I didn't read. The reason I didn't read is no time cuz still got a lot of homework!!!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hello!Let's post something abt my yesterday's life. First, I followed my parents to my mom's office to take something. When we reached there, the first thing I do was sign in my msn. After 10 mins chat I have to offline cuz gtg. After that, we went to have our lunch. I ate "nasi lemak", the sambal was quite nice, I like it. After mkn and chit chat, we went 1U for window shopping. Sigh.. I hope I can buy dat Adidas bottle but I spent a lot money on my hp(the fees) so mom said cannot. I dun wan to use that Nike bottle la!!! Around 16.00, we went home cuz someone called dad and he got to do something. At home I only play psp, laptop, listen to the musics dat's all so nothing to post ed.. haha.. lazy girl ma so is like dat one la..

Today is the last day of holiday so gtg to sku tmr and study till 3:30PM cuz got extra class. It good news and bad news for me. Good news will be can meet friends ed cuz this holiday nvr go out with friends.. sob.. Bad news is I dun wan to study and I still wanna play! haha.. such a lazy girl. Still got another bad news it is need to wake up early! Oh ya.. maybe my class will have party on science period do it by ownself! haha.. It gonna be fun! I think I have nothing to post ed!Oh ya! still got something to tell u! It is Shireen won't post in this few days or even few weeks.. sigh.. because of her modem problem call her go some place got free wifi she dun wan.. hopless.. okay got to say bye bye..Viewers, continue reading k?Please support us!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Sorry ya..

Hey viewers, sorry for we nvr post yesterday. The first reason is my pc suddenly very hang when I wanna post. The second reason is Shireen's modem got some problem so she can't online. Actually yesterday i nothing to post cuz just staying at home. Okie.. now i tell u wut i did yesterday. Yesterday i woke up at 9 something, izit late or it's still early? haha.. Then, I went to shower of course + brush teeth and wash face la. After that I went to eat my breakfast, it was western food. After breakfast go online, play games.... When i felt bored so i went to play my bro's Xbox 360. Wow! it was fun! haha.. I played till half, I rmb that i need to charge my psp! So i went to charge my psp. It's time to eat lunch, it's quite nice cuz my favourite Mc'd, lol. I knew dat it's funny. After that i continue playing Xbox, hehe. I know that im so damn lazy. The free time I all used in playing games. I read novels but seldom. I always get scold frm my mom. I only do revision when the exams come, haha. Forgot to describe dat im a lazy girl. Okie, it time to say something today.Today oso a boring day. I think I can't post tmr cuz maybe I am going out. That's good news for me but isn't it for u. Come back for today.Today i think the day will be same like yesterday. Play all day long, haha. Ouch! I hurt my hand. Let me rest awhile. Okay, dat's better. hmm.. dunno wut to say. Oh My God! it's so boring! Oh ya.. got to do something ed.
Bye. Hope to see you on next post, haha..
thanks for viewing.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hi everyone!
Today is the last day we have to go to sku!!! hooray!!
Today when I reached sku the first thing I do is of course go to my class and put down my bag. Then, I went to canteen with my friends. In the canteen, we bought drinks and started to chat. After dat we went to buy jung food and decided to eat in class when having lessons! We really did dat, we ate but the teacher couldn't see us.. lol. When the break time's bell rang, we're vry excited but the teacher still dun wan to let us out and she continue teaching but our face look so down. After 7 mins, she let us go. When v reached canteen, Yvonne said hey Elaine, later we go back class late k? Then, Shireen said no v dun go back late, v got back early cuz Shireen decide to make her car dirty so after eating and bought jung food, v went to the boys and discussed with them. After discussing, we started to go back class and started to do dirty her chair. lol. When she cam in everyone were very quiet. She sat down on the dirty chair! She nvr realize dat her chair was dirty omg!! When she stand up everyone laughed but she nvr bother! So we started our eating party again! When she's marking the workbooks we're fooling around but she didn't know!! Her eyes are BLIND!!! lol.. We dun bother abt her, and continue playing when she stand up, our class are totally quiet! wow! we can change so fast.. haha.. Then, she discussed the workbook with us.. Wow! Times dat's happy go so fast! The bell is gonna ring and we can go home! But we haven't finish dicussing our workbook so she said let's discuss till this page but suddenly my friend(yong jin) said teacher, I haven't do finish. So she have to say okay, we'll continue on next monday.. Then, when she went off almost the whole class said thank you for Yong It's so damn fun today!! We decided to continue our party on next Monday!!! Hooray!! Haha.. My class very fun rite? ;) Here is the end of the story..

Thanks viewers.. Please continue reading our blog oo..


The owner of this blog..;)

This blog is belongs to everyone! haha..
The writers are Elaine and Shireen. We're best friends. We usually solve problems together, eat together, sit together and more.. Of course these things we can only do in sku.. rite? We love each other but dun think dat we're les k? haha.. We hope dat u and ur besties can be best friends forever.

Elaine will tell u wut happened in sku today on the next post ;)