Monday, June 15, 2009


This morning I went to sku around 6 sumthing. When I'm in class i saw Yi Lean and vivi aka Vi Vien's bag. I asked Yi Lean where's vivi she said she went to find her maths workbook but i dunno whether she found at last a not. After passing up the homeworks I chat with Yi Lean. A short while later, Siew Xing came and vivi came back too. So we chat...... Then later the boys came actually dat time im waiting for Shireen to come cuz I want back my books she took my books dat day. When she comes and I took my books then I went to do my duty cuz I'm a prefect. hehe. A few minutes later, Wei Ee and Alicia came and find to chat but suddenly I saw my class I mean the class dat I take care of, the pupils came down so I went to ask the assistant monitor why so come down so early she said fatty wong aka miss wong called them to go down! Oh my gosh! Dat's not the right time to go down so I followed them to hall. When I reached there my leader asked me why u took ur pupils come down so early? Then I just said the reason why. Actually I dun like assembly if I sit at the back now but last time I sit where I oso feel happy. The reason is..........secret... haha... some of u will noe why.. Okay let me say something after assembly. Oh I noe wut to say ed.. OMG!! today wuya(my class teacher) wore so damn unmatch actually the colour can match but the fashion of the shirt and skirt are so...... haihz... When music lessons, a lot of pupils nvr bring flute so they have to lend from teacher if not record. No one choose record all chose lend but at last teacher realized dat Danny nvr bring but he din record or something so teacher said u have to record! Recess time!!! haihz... got to do duty.. actually got something happened but dat's secret sorry.. the person who only noe is Wei Ee! My class really had a party again when the science teacher was teaching.. haha.. Shireen was quite a scary cat.. hehe.. Then, when extra class, teacher call us to sit back our place but some nvr, included me!! wow! Luckily, teacher never notice dat! In my mouth, I'm bitting bubber gum! haha.. I'm a not a resposible and discipline prefect.. I noe dat.. Erm... tmr is English talking story competition, too bad i didn't take part.. hehe.. I think dat's all for today.. :)
Thanks for reading, viewers. Erm.. if there are some wrong grammars dat u noe pls inform me! :) I noe there will be a lot of grammar mistakes cuz I type ed I didn't read. The reason I didn't read is no time cuz still got a lot of homework!!!
