Friday, June 26, 2009


I'll tell u why my title is sorry but later..
Today we went to sku. I'm so happy to see dat wu lao shi taught us today!! Finally!! Erm.. this morning teacher let us to do our homework and I was so worry abt wu lao shi dun wan to teacher us. After BM period, wu lao shi called us to sit in front den I knew dat she wanted to teach us. IS TIME TO BREAK!!! Wow!! After break my friends and I went back to class...... After wu lao shi's period is mdm chong's English period and mdm chong called us to go cal room. When we're lining up to cal room, Shen-Li and I were playing. When we're on the wayto the cal room we're still playing but suddenly she slapped me and not on my face was on my eye!! dat time I'm so damn furious. I dun bother her and just ran to Yvonne and I keep covered my eye, it was pain!! When we're in cal room tears almost drop but I "tahan" dun let the tears drop down. Yvonne said Aiyoyo.. Today is Elaine cry yesterday was Alicia cried. But at last I didn't cry..
Anyway, sorry shen I oso got slapped u before u poked my eye.. Aiyah, forget abt it la.. now u know why my title is sorry la.. rite? The end.

Thanks for viewing and reading, viewers and readers=)
