Tuesday, June 16, 2009

English story telling competition..

Today I arrived in sku was 7 sumthing! wow! When I'm in class, first thing I did was tok to my friend. Lol.. Then, passed up book after dat was wiped my table! haha.. After doing all these things I went to canteen with friends and chat there. Around 7:20 AM we went back to our classroom. Actually we went back to play den when the bell ring, we queued up noisily to KH's class! lols.. Our monitors dun care how noisy we're! They make noise too! haha.. After KH was English, Mdm Chong. She nvr teach on dat period she just used the time to listen to the participants. After dat is my class teacher's period, Chinese! We just discussed our workbooks. Then, the bell rang, is time to break but everyone dun feel like going to eat cuz everyone were so excited to noe abt they got how much in class and overalls! Teacher said after recess but some of the girls keep asking teacher at last teacher threw the paper on the floor purposely. They picked up and see. After dat, some of it came to canteen to tell others wut they got! When I knew it I felt so happy. Wanna noe wut I got ah? secret nvr tell u... haha... wanna noe Shireen's? hehe.. nvr tell cuz I'm afraid dat she will scold me.. So after recess teacher told us abt it. After a period later teacher brought us to the hall to listen to the english story telling... Shen Li be the MC and she got speech before the competition starts so she said who's the jugdes, when she said until the 3rd judges she said the wrong name! Actually is Mr Tee Chin Ho but she said Mdm Tee. Then everyone laughed!!! OMG!! the teacher will be vry angry with her! When Li Lian was on the stage no one clapped hands but Yvonne on stage around everyone clapped hands.. lol.. The time we went back class was 11 sumthing few mins to 12.. After sku I straight away went to tuition, actually I loves this tuition cuz it is fun all the time! But this tuition will be end on September! Maybe it is good for others but not for me.. Arh!! Try exams are coming!!! UPSR are on the corner!
Erm.. bye.. gtg now..
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