Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It's my turn to post. Erm.. today my class teacher was vry cross because of something happened yesterday. Did Shireen told cha? I think she'll wan la so I tok abt others but it's abt the same topic. Just when "wuya" was teaching moral, I dunno why suddenly she talked abt something yesterday. Wut she said I had forgotten.. hehe sorry.. I noe dat I'm forgetful. Erm.. Things dat I knew was "wuya" and Man Cheng also cried actually "wuya" nvr cry out she's like wanted to cry.
Just now I got tuition with Shen and Vivi. Our tuition teacher is Cikgu Sharudin. He's also my sku Malay teacher. U know wut? He belanja us drink soft drinks. I drank 7up Revise, Shen drank Excel and Vivi drank 100 plus. Actually I felt dat wut he bought the flavours were almost the same. Then, when cikgu din said take a break, u know wut I did? I went to record his voice with hp. Lol.. until class dismiss he still dunno and we not willing to tell him haha.. After dat, Vivi and I wait for our transport. So we brought our headset to Shen's house too so we listen to the songs and went out her house and go for a short walk. After 1 round of her house my transport came and I went back. U know wut my lunch was? Answer: Junk food!! Lol.. Yeah.. I noe dat's not healthy for us but no choice i oni can eat dat so eat lo.. haha.. Actually the reason of why I wan to record wut cikgu din said are, 1st Cikgu din said Sim po( Wei Ee) became Sim bo!! Omg!! When we heard dat I laughed till stomach pain.. lol.. 2nd, next time whn I want to revise I can hear. At last I sent to Vivi and deleted it cuz it memory is 2. something MB. Erm.. I gtg do my homework!! I'll post the pics at my friendster. If wanna noe my friendster URL just ask from me at the chat box..
bye bye~
Thanks for viewing and reading.