Sunday, July 26, 2009

Explain myself...

To: Elaine
Sorry Elaine, I know I didn't post our blog but I got see our blog...
I didn't post our blog coz I'm NOT FREE
Very sorry Elaine

To: Chris Tan Thien Sing and Kong Yong Jin
Chris n Yong Jin I know u two everytimes oso say why u didn't post blog eveytimes oso Elaine Yaw post de... Now, I want explain same thing to you I'm not FREE...

TO: All my friends
Very sorry to my friends i didn't post the blog long time... because I 'm not FREE but i got see the blog. I'm not FREE COZ UPSR IS COMING and I want to explain something to all my friends I DIDN'T HAVE COUPLE WITH KIAN MUN, WEI HONG, LI CHEI or anybody...


Saturday, July 25, 2009


Oh My God!!
This is like my own blog not Shireen and my blog..
She said after UPSR only she post wor.. Kesian me..

Just now Shen asked me abt fashion advice..
Something to ask u all.. Am I really good in fashion?
Why so many ppl ask me abt fashion?




蕙仪~ 伊莱恩*


This morning, everyone went to sku so early.
Dunno why..
When I reached my class, I immediately take out my homework dat haven't done.
After finished it, I helped my leader to collect books.
Wanna noe why I put lol as my title?
Erm, okie let's straight to the point.
It's because of my class teacher wanted to explain a word so she need a couple to be a example.
The entire class said 慧欣,慧欣.... 立哲,立哲....
Then, teacher also said Shireen and Li Chei aka perasan chew li cheng!
老师:慧欣已经有了丈夫。有一天, 立哲去勾引她,但是慧欣就说我是不会让你勾引到我的!你死心吧!
After that, Shen and I looked at Kian Mun. We saw him very unhappy. If u're in 6Y, u'll noe why.
well, nvm, let me tell u.. It is because Kian Mun jealous but he won't envy cuz dat is his best friend ma.. Kian Mun lovesShireen so much..
I guess Shireen loves Kian Mun too cuz when she had gone the pen dat Kian Mun gave her, she was so worried! At last, she had found it. It was Tien Cherg took it and played Shireen.
Too bad for Li Chei and Wei Hong. Aiyah.. No need to say Li Chei 100% out one la!! Wei Hong, I noe Shireen still likes him one..
Btw, I hope she choose the right one.
Grr.. I hate sitting with the moron! Guess who izit..
sigh.. Kesian me mann.. but no one..
U guys noe wut? That day when changed place, I cried because I dun wan to sit with a dense boy..
haihz.. I'm hopeless.. I'm sobbing right now..

Actually I almost cry every week because.............. only some of my friends noe why.. right pals?
Jia Wei and I brought ......... to sku today.. secret.. If I type it out.. I'll gonna die!!
And Jiawei's daddy fetched us back.. Her dad came late so we went to canteen and bought some drinks.. When I'm at canteen, I saw Xing Yu. When I'm in canteen, I saw Aaron, Tien Cherg, Henry and some others more..
After that, Jiawei and I went to second floor and we did something bad/good? dunno.. lol..
After that, we went out of school and we saw Khai Zhien and Fu Sheng. They're like couple walked across the road then they played they.. Actually Jiawei and I wanted to followed them but Fu Sheng saw me ed so..... too bad.. haha..
So we two keep looking at them.. When we're on the way back home they're still there.. lol

I post too much today, I have to go now..
I need to rush out.. lol..

Obvoiusly I'm Elaine, huiyee.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Shireen was sick today!!
This morning I didn't play bcuz got duty to do =(..
I forgotten today had English story writing competition.
This time I wrote very short oni 1 page.. haha.. lazy to think ma..
After the competition, our class teacher gave us a test.
I used 30 mins to finished it..
Recess... Duty... Actually I wasn't doing duty just fooling around, talking...
When teacher came oni act like doing.. haha..
Recess over.. Art period but we didn't do any art today. We discussed workbook..
After all the discussion, teacher talk abt our results..
She said our results damn bad this time.. Almost everyone drop down! I know dat will include me.. chit chat... with teacher de oo..
After that, teacher need to go meeting so a teacher came and take part of her period..
The teacher said we can tok but tok softly..
After the teacher went off we very noisy until the 6K's teacher came and scold Alicia but not us.. LOL.. bcuz she's a class monitor ma..
but after the teacher back her class, we make noise again!!
Alicia and I went to fill up our water and went to toilet..
bcuz we're thirsty that time..
After sku, I saw a girl and a boy played at the park near our sku!!
I asked my friend do u envy if u see dat?
she said of course yes!!
She asked me why u dun look envy?
I said never mind la, envy oso no use la..
谁了解我啊?shireen? 其他好友? 家人?难道是以前的...吗?
btw, 我还是有点..他。
beside that 我心中还有另一个人噢!
哈哈.. 一定每人猜得出因为当你猜他是我都会说不!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hooray!! The trial had over!!
This morning I reached sku around 6:55a.m. Actually I decided to study there but friends played there so I joined them. ^^ After that, Jw came to my class and called me out for a walk so I just followed her out. When the time go 7 sharp, Jw said she gtg back her class for the morning class so I went back to my class and continue playing.. haha.. playful girl..
Start science exam...... End...
Recess time, almost entire class bought chicken rice.. haha..
After recess, Lilian bought 2 breads and she was playing by the corridor. I caught 1 but the other dropped down to the ground floor. lol. Then, a std 5 boy helped us to take but lilian and wei ee dunno she they went down. When they're at the ground floor, the boy was at the 3rd floor so I went to take it and I threw it to 2nd floor.. haha.. Evil.. okay... I knew dat..
After that, I called wai lok to take it up but he stepped it den oni take it up but then lilian said throw it away..
Ohya.. forget to say..
Something funny happened during the science exam!!
It was LEE KAM CHUAN vv in class!!! lol..
we're all laughing like hell!!
even himself!!
Oh my god!! how old is he?! std6.. 12 years old man..
how can a std6 boy do dat?!
Can't believe it..
After all these exams, my class teacher asked us 松一口气了,是吗?
we wanna said yes but scared teacher said UPSR leh.. so we said 不是,还有UPSR. haha
Then, she said 只有3本功课!Yay!!
she said she can't dicuss the exam paper with us cuz got 2 person haven't take the exams yet den we said u can tell us our marks one ma.
she said 成绩都这么差!还要知道分数!something like dat la.. i forget ed.. hehe..
Then, she went off ed but I dunno where she go..
ketiadaan guru... Whoa..The entire class so damn noisy like market!!
End of the story(sku)...


yaw yaw~~