Sunday, July 26, 2009

Explain myself...

To: Elaine
Sorry Elaine, I know I didn't post our blog but I got see our blog...
I didn't post our blog coz I'm NOT FREE
Very sorry Elaine

To: Chris Tan Thien Sing and Kong Yong Jin
Chris n Yong Jin I know u two everytimes oso say why u didn't post blog eveytimes oso Elaine Yaw post de... Now, I want explain same thing to you I'm not FREE...

TO: All my friends
Very sorry to my friends i didn't post the blog long time... because I 'm not FREE but i got see the blog. I'm not FREE COZ UPSR IS COMING and I want to explain something to all my friends I DIDN'T HAVE COUPLE WITH KIAN MUN, WEI HONG, LI CHEI or anybody...